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Off-Duty Officer Fund - Single Donation

The Off-Duty Officer Fund pays for additional police patrol coverage in our neighborhood during certain times of year when criminal activity in Jacksonville usually trends upward, such as summers and holidays. We also have the ability to direct our off-duty officers to target specific concerns or locations reported by residents, if needed. This service is in addition to the regular police patrol coverage in our area. The Off-Duty Officer Fund is 100% funded by neighbors and community partners. Questions? Let us know. Thank you for donating below!

Residents may also wish to attend monthly Sheriffs Watch meetings, where they meet with local law enforcement to discuss any concerns, ask questions and share information.  Our area's Sheriff Watch meetings are the third Tuesday of the each month, 6pm, on the second floor of the Robert F Kennedy Community Center (1133 Ionia Street).

Who's donating

Who's donating: from Jacksonville , FL donated. Thank you!
