Business Membership


Associate Membership ($125 per year)

Associate Membership benefits include:

  • Eligible for Commercial Corridors Grant Program (up to $2500 annual matching grant)
  • Eligible for Marketing Grant Program (up to $250 per year)
  • Opportunity to participate in SPARdi Gras, Home Tour, and PorchFest marketing initiatives ($100 social media ad per event)
  • Included in meeting invitations, newsletter, social media groups, membership directory, and annual report
  • Featured business spotlight on social media
  • First access to vendor spots for SPAR programming


Executive Membership ($250 per year)

In addition to all General Membership benefits, Executive Members also receive:

  • SPAR Household Membership ($50 value)
  • 2 tickets to Springfield Home Tour ($40 value)


Please select the amount appropriate to the membership level you wish to join. Memberships are valid for one year and are tax-deductible. Memberships auto-renew annually at the original rate. Members receive a 30 day notice of autorenewal of membership.



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Contributions are tax deductible.
