
Joining a committee or taskforce is a great way to get involved, learn more about upcoming developments impacting Springfield, and ensure that your voice is heard in our neighborhood. Our committee members provide valuable input and planning for a variety of Springfield initiatives.

To join a committee or taskforce, email us at [email protected] or call us at 904-353-7727 and we'll send you more information on how to join the committee. Please note that we ask our committee members to maintain general membership in Springfield Preservation and Revitalization.


Standing Committees Focus Meetings Membership
Commercial and Residential Infrastructure
Chair: Bryant Shumaker
Reviews proposed changes to our neighborhood and provides opportunities for community input on new developments

2nd Tuesday, 5:30 PM


Open to all SPAR Members

Commercial Corridors
Chair: Tyler Grant

Improves our commercial corridors (Main Street, 8th Street, and Pearl Street) through small business grantmaking, running our business association, and beautification efforts

1st Wednesday, 8:00 AM

SPAR Office (1321 N Main)

Open to all SPAR Members

Design Review
Chair: Daniel Ashworth

Reviews proposed changes to historic properties in our neighborhood and provides opportunities for community input on those changes Operates via email Open to all SPAR Members

Chair: Tyler Grant

Oversees committee actions and makes recommendations to the SPAR Board of Directors

2nd Tuesday, 7:00 PM

SPAR Office (1321 N Main)

Board Officers

Chair: Mallik Singareddy

Oversees financial policies of the organization

2nd Tuesday, 6:30 PM

SPAR Office (1321 N Main)

Board Members and invited guests

Fund Development
Chair: Mike Haskins

Develops and raises funds for the organization

1st Wednesday, 9:00 AM

SPAR Office (1321 N Main)

Open to all SPAR Members

Chair: John Shermetaro

Oversees development and policies of SPAR Board of Directors

1st Wednesday, 6:00 PM

SPAR Office (1321 N Main)



Event Committees Focus Meetings Membership

Home Tour
Chair: Margie Viss

Organizes the Historic Springfield Tour of Homes and Gardens 

Wednesdays, 5:30 PM

SPAR Office (1321 N Main)

Open to all SPAR Members

Chair: Mike Haskins

Organizes Jacksonville PorchFest, a free, annual community music festival Meetings resume in May 2025 Open to all SPAR Members


Taskforce Focus Meetings Membership

Demolition by Neglect
Co-Chairs: Alison Blitch and Margie Viss

Works to prevent and address cases of demolition by neglect

4th Monday, 6:00 PM

SPAR Office (1321 N Main)

Open to all SPAR Members

Holiday Society
Chair: Caitlin Haskins

Organizes holiday celebrations and decorates commercial corridors in the neighborhood for the holidays Meetings resume in August 2025 Open to all SPAR Members

Chair: Alison Blitch

Recruits new members and retains current members of SPAR To be determined Open to all SPAR Members

Zoning Overlay
Chair: Katie Derringer

Reviews the Springfield zoning overlay and recommends changes and updates To be determined Open to all SPAR Members


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