July 4th Throwback Baseball Game & Celebration 2016


The unique Springfield tradition carries on into 2016, as the Westside and Eastside (of the Springfield Historic District) battle it out on the baseball field for bragging rights, complete with turn-of-the-century old school uniforms, equipment, umpires, announcer, food and fanfare. The family friendly, community building event is truly one of kind!

Picnics encouraged. Free. Interested in playing? All skill levels welcome, so contact us!

July 04, 2016 at 4:00pm - 7pm
Klutho Park
SPAR Office · · 9043537727
Doug Vanderlaan Michelle Tappouni Cary Shumack Florence Haridan Kimberly Malajati Lawson Carr Cory Bower Zachary Ross Karla Stremitzer Michelle Buckley Adam Valiani Leah Rose Lauren Cephus Jeff Mason Michele Waddell Catherine Tappouni Nick Thompson John Shermetaro Caitlyn Stetson Cherri Picard Rachael England William Hoff carolyn ayers Cliff Stone Jamie Toraason Debra Thompson Shelley Cave David Byres Todd Hollinghead Daniel Locke Kenny Logsdon Andrea Mason Cindy Cribbs Born in the South DBA Flour and Fig Ba Crissie Cudd Kimberly Anne Pryor Kelly Rich Mike Alancourt Yolanda Copeland Daniel Marshall

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