Supporting Public Safety

Year over year, the Jacksonville's Sheriff's Office reports crime is down 10% in our area, a BIG drop. Any neighborhood in Jax would be thrilled to see that kind of marked improvement!

But as we all know, the Summer months are often the most active for law enforcement. So to give our local JSO patrol a boost, over the next 7 weeks of Summer, we're putting an additional 42 officers on our streets in 21 separate shifts.

Through our Public Safety Fund, paid for 100% by residents and stakeholders, we employ off-duty officers to supplement law enforcement coverage and target specific concerns that Springfielder's may have. While we enjoy the Springfield Historic District as the diverse and pleasant community it is, the neighborhood is still in transition, and thus does still have rough edges. With our direction, off-duty officers target those rough edges, and any other problems or locations we direct them to. That's right, JSO working directly for those who know the community best.

Each hour an officer works is $30.00 and each shift is $240.00 (including COJ fees). If you'd like to make a tax deductible donation for just hour, a whole shift, or any other other amount, including automatic monthly donations, Click Here!

Officers employed in our program provide a summary of their activities, as we monitor their activity to make sure the community gets the most bang for it's buck.

For almost a decade, Springfielder's have supported this fund as way to ensure we're provided the level of law enforcement service we deserve. And if you'd like to see these the extra coverage year-round, consider making a 1 time or reoccurring automatic donation to the Fund.

And read a Florida Times Union story about our program here:

"Neighborhood group links its police patrol program to a more secure Springfield"





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