SPAR Honored at Community Development Awards

Springfield Preservation and Revitalization Council (SPAR) was honored for our work supporting commercial revitalization at the 2018 LISC Community Development Awards held earlier this week.


Todd Hollinghead and Kevin O'Halloran accept the award for SPAR. Photo by Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville.

We have worked to encourage the success of both our established and new businesses in Springfield, with advocacy, patronage and programs. Through the Springfield Area Merchants and Business Association (SAMBA), a subsidiary of SPAR, we have connected potential businesses with property owners, provided grants to small businesses to encourage investment, and organized popular events supporting entrepreneurs. Our goal is to create healthy, vibrant commercial districts in Springfield, and we're pleased to be recognized for our role in the neighborhood's progress.

Any accolades SPAR receives is entirely due to our loyal members, active volunteers, dedicated board of directors, exceptional staff, and community partners. Kevin O'Halloran, project coordinator, and Christina Parrish Stone, former Executive Director, deserve additional recognition for their roles in our recent commercial momentum. As do our key supporters in the community, such as the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville, LISC Jacksonville, Wells Fargo and the City of Jacksonville.

Our small neighborhood, a roughly one square mile historic district, has the highest concentration of engaged, active citizens in all of Jacksonville, and the work we have been able to accomplish is a reflection of that enthusiasm. 

We look forward to continuing the positive momentum moving forward with the addition of our new executive director Kelly Rich, growing relationships with our partners and our constantly expanding SAMBA membership.  

Thank you to LISC Jacksonville for the honor of being named Champion of Main Street!
