Board Meeting - 6/26/2023


Monday, June 26, 2023

6:00pm @ VCCS - SPAR Office & Google Meet



The meeting was called to order by President Kelly Lezama at 6:01 pm.


Present:  Board Attendance

Kelly Lezama (President) AJ Rodriguez (Vice President),  Mallik Singareddy (Treasurer), Ryan McFarland (Secretary), Margie Viss, Tyler Grant, Daniel Ashworth Jr., Katie Derringer, Bryant Shumaker, Pam Batts-Brown, Tim Hope, Alison Blitch, John Shermetaro

Absent: Annie Howe, Jason Hardwick, Ben Alcorn

Guests: Samantha Frank, Bill Hoff 

Staff: Michael Haskins, Mandie Marron, Meghan Waters



  1. Consent agenda and May meeting minutes APPROVED
  2. Ratify E-Vote: Motion to send the attached letter as drafted to COJ planning staff regarding the 27 E. 7th St. PUD (application number L-5811-23C, tracking number L-5811).   - APPROVED via email vote on 5/25/23 (Jason, Pam, John, Ben, AJ, Tyler, Mallik, Annie, Kelly, Alison, Daniel, Margie voted in favor)
  3. Ratify E-Vote: Motion to send the attached letter of Support for the REHAB bill (Ordinance 2023-0316) to City Council. (Kelly, Jason, Daniel, John, Ben, Margie, Annie, Tyler, Bryant, Ryan, Alison - via text voted in favor; AJ, Katie, Mallik voted against)
  4. Motion to accept the letter of board resignation from Ben Alcorn as presented. APPROVED
  5. Motion to approve the as presented by the Finance Committee. APPROVED
  6. Motion to approve the as presented by the Finance Committee. APPROVED
  7. Motion to create TAP Taskforce APPROVED


Meeting Adjourned: 7:28 


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