Monday, May 17, 2021
6:00pm @ SPAR Building & via Google Meet
The meeting was called to order by President, Tim Hope, at 6:02 pm.
Present: Board Attendance
Tim Hope (President), Joey Marchy (Vice President), Kelly Lezama (Secretary), Bryant Shumaker, Aaron Leedy, Mallik Singareddy, Pamela Batts-Brown, John Shermetaro (Treasurer), Ben Alcorn, Ryan McFarland (Late), Jennifer Chapman, Christine Lane, Janie Coffey, Micheal Montoya, Mallik Singareddy
Absent: Soner Acar
Guests: Bill Hoff, Evan Metz, Todd Hollinghead, Diane Graese, Jack Shad
Staff: Kelly Rich
- Motion to accept the Consent Agenda & April Board meeting minutes as presented: APPROVED
- Motion to add wording to the SPAR Bylaws in Article 8 Section 2: Nomination Process - Expiring directors who wish to serve a second term will need to reapply. - APPROVED
- Motion to issue a SPAR letter of support for the gas tax bill with the amendments that include the Emerald Trail: APPROVED
- Motion to accept the Audit report, financial statements, & 990 with the grammatical addition of Todd Hollinghead as presented: APPROVED
- Motion to support the Alberi PUD with conditions of tying PUD to business and more defined landscape buffer on commercial corridor. Amended Motion to remove the height allowance back to that in CCGS. - APPROVED
- Motion to write a letter of support for the Main & Six expansion. - APPROVED
- Motion to write a letter of support for DVI’s extension to State St. Amend Motion to support DVI’s expansion. - APPROVED
- Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 pm.
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