Board Meeting - 2/19/2024


Monday, February 19, 2024

6:00pm @ VCCS - SPAR Office & Google Meet


The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Tyler Grant at 6:06 pm.


Present:  Board Attendance

John Shermetaro (President) (virtual), Tyler Grant (Vice President), Mallik Singareddy (Treasurer), Ryan McFarland (Secretary), Bryant Shumaker, Annie Howe, Daniel Ashworth Jr., Kattie Derringer, Margie Viss, Kenny Logsdon, Rachelle Miller 

Absent: AJ Rodriguez, Alison Blitch, Jason Hardwick, Pam Batts-Brown, Kelly Lezama

Guests: Melissa Schmidt, Bill Hoff

Staff: Michael Haskins


Consent Agenda - Approved



  1. Motion to fund up to $5,000 from Board Designated Porchfest Art Fund to repaint crosswalks. (Approved)
  2. Motion to approve revisions of SPAR Employee Policy Manual (12/23/2023). (Approved).
  3. Motion to approve revisions (2/14/2024) to Technology and Software Access Policy. (Amended to accept as written without password section) (approved)
  4. Annie Howe adds motion to direct finance committee to make Mallik, John, and Tyler to be on Vystar account (amended to remove Tyler and add Michael to Vystar Checking and Savings accounts) (Tabled) 
  5. Motion to appoint/approve Melissa Schmitt as a board director effective 3/1/24; replacing AJ Rodriguez. (Approved)
  6. Motion to issue a letter of support on 3 issues  for the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation: 
    • Establish a Florida Historic Tax Credit: Florida one of only 11 states without a tax credit for historic preservation. This would create additional funds for a variety of historic preservation projects, including funds for developers to rehabilitate historic structures. Would be a good tool in the toolbox to help developers get additional financing for rehab.  
    • Amend the Resiliency and Safe Structures Act: This was a big deal last year. SPAR opposed the original bill and supported the amendment. The bill that passed removed protections from local historic districts. The inside scoop is that a Miami developer pushed this bill through in order to demo some structures in Miami Beach. The bill theoretically could be used by developers in Springfield to allow demolition of certain structures over and against JHPC's recommendation. The proposed amendment before the legislature in this session would restore some of the protections that the original bill removed. 
    • Fully Fund the FY25 Division of Historic Resources- Preservation Grants: Grants for preservation activities like historic markers. Not something SPAR currently utilizes, but something we may utilize in the future. This is just a call to fund an already extant program.  (Approved)

     7. Motion to add Michael Haskins and Mallik Singareddy to Prudential Investment Accounts and remove Tim Hope. (Approved)

     8. Motion to oppose demolition request for 1422 N Liberty (amended to have Mike draft a letter to that effect).(Tabled)

     9. Motion to issue a letter of support for the renaming of “Confederate Street” to “Frazier Street.” (amended to add “or as supported by the city of jacksonville” following the parenthetical “(as opposed to “Ben Frazier Street)”.)


Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 

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