Monday, January 18, 2021
6:00pm via Google Meet
The meeting was called to order by President, Tim Hope, at 6:08 pm.
Present: Board Attendance
Tim Hope (President), Joey Marchy (Vice President), Christine Lane, Kelly Lezama (Secretary), Bryant Shumaker, Aaron Leedy, Mallik Singareddy, Pamela Batts-Brown, John Shermetaro (Treasurer), Jennifer Chapman, Ben Alcorn, Soner Acar, Janie Coffey, Ryan McFarland
Absent: Michael Montoya
Guests: Diane Grease, Todd Hollinghead, Hazel Hollinghead, Bill Hoff, Daniel Ashworth
Staff: Kelly Rich
- Motion to accept the Consent Agenda, December Board meeting minutes, & Emergency board meeting from 1/14/21 minutes as presented: APPROVED
- Motion to approve up to $3500 for a Commercial Christmas Tree for the Holiday Society to purchase: APPROVED
- Motion to send a letter to HPC to regarding the preservation of Springfield Historic district fabric: APPROVED
- Motion to issue a statement in support of the spirit of the proposed PUD with the understanding that SPAR does not and never supports the closing of alleys as they are an integral part of the Historic Fabric of Historic Springfield. Amended Motion - Motion to issue a statement in support of the spirit of the proposed PUD (Ord 2020-747) with the understanding that SPAR does not support the alley closure referenced in the PUD nor any other instance as they are an integral part of the Historic Fabric of Historic Springfield: APPROVED
- Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:13pm.
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