Board Meeting - 12/18/2023


Monday, December 18, 2023

6:00pm @ VCCS - SPAR Office & Google Meet


The meeting was called to order by President Kelly Lezama at 6:02 pm.


Present:  Board Attendance

Kelly Lezama (President), AJ Rodriguez (Vice President), Mallik Singareddy (Treasurer), Ryan McFarland (Secretary), Tim Hope, Bryant Shumaker, Annie Howe, Tyler Grant, Daniel Ashworth Jr., John Shermetaro, Alison Blitch, Kattie Derringer, Pam Batts-Brown

Absent: Jason Hardwick, Margie Viss

Guests: Bill Hoff; Sarah Nichols, Rachelle Miller (sworn in), Kenny Logsdon (sworn in)

Staff: Michael Haskins, Meghan Waters, Mandie Marron



  1. Consent agenda and November meeting minutes (Approved)
  2. E-vote Ratification: Motion to accept the board resolution as presented. 2024 COJ Neighborhoods Matching Grant Board Resolution Aye: Annie, Alison, Daniel, Mallik, Tyler, AJ, Katie, Margie, Ryan, Pam - APPROVED
  3. E-vote Ratification: Motion to provide a one time year end performance bonus of $6,000 to the Executive Director for 2023. Aye: Tyler, Alison, John, Pam, Kelly, AJ, Daniel, Ryan, Annie, Katie, Margie - APPROVED
  4. E-vote Ratification: Motion to increase the Executive Director salary to 88,200 ($75,000 base salary & $13,200 health care stipend) in the 2024 budget.  Aye: Kelly, Tyler, Alison, Pam, AJ, Daniel, Ryan, Annie, Katie, Margie; Recommend to table motion till after 2023 Q4 finances are known: John, Mallik - APPROVED
  5. Investment Strategy / Endowment tabled motion (old business) Approved
  6. Move to enter into endowment with community foundation per the terms of the agreement circulated by email
  7. EC Elections - nominations 
    1. President - AJ and John
    2. Vice - Katie and Tyler
    3. Treasurer - Mallik
    4. Secretary - Margie and Ryan
  8. Elections held, tallied by Tim Hope - John, Tyler, Mallik, Ryan
  9. Swearing in of new Directors and Officer Installation


Meeting Adjourned: 6:58 pm

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