Springfield Preservation and Revitalization (SPAR) and Springfield Area Merchants and Business Association (SAMBA) are proud to announce an on-going partnership, with SAMBA becoming an affiliate of SPAR as of September 2012.
Both organizations share the mission of facilitating a revitalized Springfield historic district, on our residential streets and our commercial corridors alike. In an effort to provide the best possible services and representation to the community, SPAR and SAMBA will share talent and resources, ideas and energy, while maintaining autonomy.
In 1974, SPAR was formed by neighborhood advocates coming together to meet common goals, and almost three decades later, SAMBA was established to help meet the needs of local businesses. We feel that by working together, we better position ourselves to pursue activities and policy beneficial to our growing neighborhood.
We look forward to engaging with residents and the business community to move our diverse and unique community forward, and appreciate your support.
The SPAR and SAMBA Board of Directors
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