Spring 2013 Community Meeting

Date: March 14th, 2013

Location: Paul Davis Restoration warehouse, 2111 N. Liberty Street.

The purpose of the this meeting was to briefly discuss the outcome of the 2012 EPIC meetings, including proposed goals and ideas from the Quality of Life Plan, which could affect our neighborhood. Over 60 people attended the Community Meeting to brainstorm and prioritize potential projects suitable for completing the grant application process defined by LISC and Operation New Hope.  


The data collected has been organized into 11 primary categories. Categories range from Main Street Improvements (ie, new trash cans) , Events (ie, urban iditarod), Commercial Corridors (ie, organized promotion) and Parks and Recreation (ie, soccer league) to name a few.  The data collected will be presented to leaders of our local community organizations on April 11, 2013,  6:30pm at the SPAR office.    

Following this upcoming meeting, SPAR and SAMBA will facilitate the writing and submittal of grants to Operations New Hope and LISC, working with members of the neighborhood organizations.  Regularly scheduled community meetings will report the progress of this effort.

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