JEA to Begin Tree Trimming Soon

JEA will begin its tree trimming cycle in the our neighborhood soon, as they do every 2.5 years, and its Vegetative Management group (aka JEA Forestry) will notify affected property owners with door hangers in advance.

If you have questions, feel free to contact the JEA Tree Care Line at (904) 665-6050

Here's the details . . .

. This is a routine, 2.5 yr cycle, maintenance trim.

· The trim is designed to maintain an established service path for electrical service lines.

· The goals is to reclaim clearance from encroachment of vegetative growth since the last cycle 2.5 years ago.

· Target pruning will be designed to direct tree growth away from the service path, for the term of the cycle (2.5 years)

· Generally, the target will be limbs of 2.5 yr growth that have encroached into the City right-of-way.

· Trees to be trimmed are NOT limited to COJ trees or trees on city property, but may include the portion (limbs) of a private tree that extends, or have grown into the service path, or COJ right-of-way.

· Protocol is to notify specific homeowners (or in the case of COJ trees – adjacent homeowners) if a tree requires trimming. Notice (door hangers) will be given in advance of trimming. Homeowners are encouraged to contact JEA Tree Care with their requests, questions, and concerns.

· Maintenance trimming will target the service path for the primary electrical lines that run along the COJ right-of-way; but it may include the service drops (between the pole and home) in order to remove strain & abrasion off the secondary wire that provides service to a home or business.

· Homeowners are encouraged to contact JEA Tree Care if they want to have their service drop (servicing their home or business) included in the routine cycle trimming.

· Tree removal is not the focus of the routine cycle trim, but there may be a case where a tree has grown to a point that clearance cannot be obtained through directional pruning. This is often the case with palms. Palms add value to our urban forest canopy, and are allowed to grow inside the right-of-way, until they reach a point where they create an electrical hazard.

· During the trimming cycle, JEA tree crews, may, at times, assist COJ in the removal of obvious and immediate tree-related hazards that fall outside of electrical hazards; but JEA tree crews will not be available to conduct private tree work.

· The impact of a cycle trim is not limited to the homeowners with trees that are trimmed, therefore every effort will be made to notify the community. This is especially so in the historic districts, where preservation of the sense of place is prioritized.

For more information about JEA's tree trimming procedures, click here.

Or contact Joseph Anderson, Urban Forester, at: [email protected]

Or, JEA representatives will be present to answer your questions regarding tree trimming at he SIAA meeting on May 17th, 2016.

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