Get Involved in Your Community: Serve on a Committee or the Board


We're looking individuals passionate about improving and preserving the Springfield Historic District, and who would like to serve the community by offering their time or talent.

SPAR Council is now accepting applications to serve on the Board of Directors. This is a leadership position within the community, and your time and resources will be valued. Contact us if you are interested in serving on the Board and we'll send you more information. All inquiries due by September 15th. Per our organization's by-laws, new Board member applicants will be voted on by SPAR membership at the Fall community meeting.

Or, perhaps you would be more interested participating in a SPAR Committee. There are opportunities to serve on Committees related to finance, membership, special events, fund development, communications, public safety and other functions within the organization and community. If you're interested, let us know and we'll send you more information. Committee members can be considered year-round.

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