Board Meeting - 8/18/15

Meeting Date August 17, 2015, Location/Time: SPAR Office/ 6:00 pm
Participants: Bill Hoff, President Michelle Tappouni, Vice President Aaron Glick, Secretary Adam Valiani, Treasurer, Jack Adams, Jeff Fountain, Todd Hollinghead, Melanie Messer & Ellen Waring Guests: Mark Ray, Dave Ott, Jaimee Smith & Margaret Conner      

AGENDA: The meeting was called to order by President Bill Hoff at 6:10pm.  He welcomed all members and guests.   

July 2015 Minutes Unanimously approved by the Board. Financial Review Summary to be sent out at a later time by Treasurer.

Old Business Development Sept. 17th, 2015 ‐ New Resident Wine and Cheese Party at home of Christina Parrish, postcards in the mail by August 27th. SE quadrant focus, though others are welcome to attend. $275.00 requested by Development Committee, Board approved up to $300.00 for the event.

JEA Wells in Springfield Board to assist JEA in search for alternate locations not in the Springfield neighborhood

Governance Proposed bylaws changes, Board to review and vote at next meeting.

PorchFest Patron’s Party early bird ticket special ends August 26th. PorchFest Committee to meet in September to discuss logistics and event day details SPAR will use a third party vendor to assist in alcohol sales and collection of revenue during Festival.

Design Review (Report attached) Report by Design Committee Chair, Kimberly Patrie attached.

SPAR Office Building Back door locks working improperly. New duct work required to property heat and cool space now occupied by TerraWise – Bids in that estimate cost at approx. $4,400 to reroute ductwork.  Board will seek additional quotes.   Real Estate Committee seeking to complete a Cost/Benefit Study to evaluate future of the building, 1321 North Main Street. No decision or recommendations from the Committee until newer, up to date comps, are reviewed.

Sign Ordinance Update Waiting on OGC and Planning Department Review prior to City Council sponsorship. Suggestion to add language regarding beautification along Main Street re: allowance of on‐street planters and other street furniture.

Commercial corridor banners update Sponsors are SAMBA, LISC, and UF Health Board to reach out to Crux Collective/ Kiley Carter to seek their advice on design Total cost of banners are $12,500, along both 8th and Main Street.

Neighborhood Traffic Study (Report attached) Follow up meeting with City to occur August 19th, 2015 City to assist in installation of additional stop signs at 3rd Street and Market Street, creating true 4‐way stop. Board suggestion to add speed hump/tables along Liberty and Pearl; however SPAR would be required to share a portion of the total cost. City’s Bike/Ped Coordinator looking at [opportunities in the neighborhood for bike/ped improvements and connections. Lengthy discussion on possibility of reduction of speed to 20 or 25 throughout the neighborhood, there was no unanimous board position. Board voted to accept the recommendations of the City’s Traffic Study and for the Executive Director to follow up with stakeholders and to determine feasibility of funding at a future date.

New Business: Planning the Annual Fall Meeting. Two dates discussed, Oct 22 and Nov 12th – Paul Davis Restoration location proposed.

Proposal to appoint new Urban Core CPAC representative. Urban Core CPAC meets the first Monday of the month in the Ed Ball Building, 214 North Hogan Street. Prior Springfield and SPAR Representative Doug Vanderlaan stepping down, new CPAC rep. needed Board voted to confirm Michelle Tappouni as the new Urban Core CPAC rep. for SPAR.

Proposal for new merchandise. Opportunity to have new merchandise created for SPAR; t‐shirts and stickers – CRUX Collective to provide their services. Board voted to pursue a design for a shirt, up to 50 shirts and $960 upon approval from the Board.

Proposal to appoint new Board Members (Resumes attached) Board reviewed the resumes of Jaimee (Stewart) Smith, and Margaret Conner.   Board voted to appoint both Jaimee Smith and Margaret Conner to the Board.

Dragon Boat Race. Annual Jacksonville Dragonboat race September 26th, 2015 Requires sponsorship from SPAR.

Executive Director’s Report. Report attached for more detailed review.

Meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm.  

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