Participants: JoAnn Tredennick – Vice President Ken Paulk ‐ Treasurer Aaron Glick Jack Adams
Guests: Alison Goode and Terry Whisler
AGENDA: The meeting was called to order by Vice President JoAnn Tredennick at 6:13 pm. She welcomed all members and guests.
Meeting Minutes July minutes were distributed via email by Aaron Glick. Board can vote to approve at September meeting. May minutes have not been distributed.
Porch Fest Update Aaron gave the Board a quick update on status of permits, confirmed food trucks and vendors, and committed bands. Friday Sept. 20th, 2014 – Neighborhood Fundraising party at local residence.
Financial Review $350 available to purchase new QuickBooks, Ken has not purchased yet. Security Fund – Dane Baird used to oversee CCTCP funds – Someone is needed to review these accounts, oversee them Reserve Fund – Discussion – Increase the reserve fund from current $200 monthly to at least $500 monthly. Two units in the SPAR building currently available for lease, $325 a month. Building Roof ‐ Board reviewed previous approval up to $1,000 for roof repairs. HVAC upstairs unit – JoAnn shared two quotes, one from Weather Engineers for a 5 ton, 13 SEER system for 7,310 and a second from Environmental Air Conditioning Services for $8,739. JEA offers a rebate for energy efficient systems, but not cost effective since rebate is $150 for a system that would cost thousands more to install. Suggestion Board approve up to $8,000 for immediate use in an emergency situation, up to the discretion of whoever is most readily available.
Fall Community Meeting Annual Meeting is quickly approaching. Board discussed timing of the Fall meeting, and a review of sections of the Bylaws. Discussion – New Board candidates should be identified and soon. Jack suggested all members should have a list of names ready for next full Board Meeting. Potential candidates would ideally fit the following roles/types: o Membership Chair o Parks Chair o Grant and Fundraising (Board affirmed they thought Melanie Messer fits in this role) o Technical or IT savvy o Volunteer Coordinator Potential board member candidates discussed. Current Board Members – JoAnn and Jack to double check records and review term status of all members. A list was distributed at the meeting. Timing – Board reviewed Fiscal Year timing (Oct 1 Sept 30) Discussion – whether elections of new board members and fiscal year should coincide. RECOMMENDATION: to move the Board elections to middle of October, possible date Oct. 16th. Further discussion needed with full Board.
EPIC Grants – Next Steps Bike Racks – waiting on JoLee’s report Banners – waiting on JoLee and/or Michelle’s report
Paid Staff Discussion – Major questions raised – What is the role of a paid staffer? What skill sets do we need? Can we afford this person or person(s) annually? An Administrative need is very different from an Executive Director need. Board should consider Staff at some level, their role, and how they will be supervised. Aaron suggested Board create a matrix of desirable skills and decide which skills are more useful and important for SPAR’s immediate needs.
1551 Boulevard – COA Enforcement Builder has removed the entire original clay tile roof in direct violation of their COA (which permitted repair only, not complete removal) Martin Kennelly has cited them, giving them 30 days to correct the issue JoAnn suggested sending a letter to Calvin Burney with the Planning Department expressing SPARs ongoing desire to see the Zoning Code enforced in the neighborhood. Enforcement Meeting with the Department – JoAnn suggested meeting with Joel McEachin, Calvin Burney, Susan Grandin, and possible 2 members of SPARs Design Review Committee attend.
Meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.
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