Board Meeting - 8/18/14

Participants: JoAnn Tredennick – Vice President Ken Paulk ‐ Treasurer Aaron Glick Jack Adams    


Guests:   Alison Goode and Terry Whisler

AGENDA: The meeting was called to order by Vice President JoAnn Tredennick at 6:13 pm.  She welcomed all members and guests.  


Meeting Minutes    July minutes were distributed via email by Aaron Glick. Board can vote to approve at September meeting.    May minutes have not been distributed.

Porch Fest Update  Aaron gave the Board a quick update on status of permits, confirmed food trucks and vendors, and committed bands.  Friday Sept. 20th, 2014 – Neighborhood Fundraising party at local residence.

Financial Review  $350 available to purchase new QuickBooks, Ken has not purchased yet.  Security Fund – Dane Baird used to oversee CCTCP funds – Someone is needed to review these accounts, oversee them  Reserve Fund – Discussion – Increase the reserve fund from current $200 monthly to at least $500 monthly.    Two units in the SPAR building currently available for lease, $325 a month.   Building  Roof ‐ Board reviewed previous approval up to $1,000 for roof repairs.    HVAC upstairs unit – JoAnn shared two quotes, one from Weather Engineers for a 5 ton, 13 SEER system for 7,310 and a second from Environmental Air Conditioning Services for $8,739. JEA offers a rebate for energy efficient systems, but not cost effective since rebate is $150 for a system that would cost thousands more to install.  Suggestion Board approve up to $8,000 for immediate use in an emergency situation, up to the discretion of whoever is most readily available.

Fall Community Meeting  Annual Meeting is quickly approaching. Board discussed timing of the Fall meeting, and a review of sections of the Bylaws.  Discussion – New Board candidates should be identified and soon.  Jack suggested all members should have a list of names ready for next full Board Meeting. Potential candidates would ideally fit the following roles/types: o Membership Chair o Parks Chair o Grant and Fundraising (Board affirmed they thought Melanie Messer fits in this role) o Technical or IT savvy o Volunteer Coordinator  Potential board member candidates discussed. Current Board Members – JoAnn and Jack to double check records and review term status of all members.  A list was distributed at the meeting.    Timing – Board reviewed Fiscal Year timing (Oct 1  Sept 30) Discussion – whether elections of new board members and fiscal year should coincide.  RECOMMENDATION: to move the Board elections to middle of October, possible date Oct. 16th. Further discussion needed with full Board.  

EPIC Grants – Next Steps    Bike Racks – waiting on JoLee’s report  Banners – waiting on JoLee and/or Michelle’s report

Paid Staff  Discussion – Major questions raised – What is the role of a paid staffer? What skill sets do we need? Can we afford this person or person(s) annually?  An Administrative need is very different from an Executive Director need.  Board should consider Staff at some level, their role, and how they will be supervised.  Aaron suggested Board create a matrix of desirable skills and decide which skills are more useful and important for SPAR’s immediate needs.

1551 Boulevard – COA Enforcement  Builder has removed the entire original clay tile roof in direct violation of their COA (which permitted repair only, not complete removal)  Martin Kennelly has cited them, giving them 30 days to correct the issue  JoAnn suggested sending a letter to Calvin Burney with the Planning Department expressing SPARs ongoing desire to see the Zoning Code enforced in the neighborhood.  Enforcement Meeting  with the Department – JoAnn suggested meeting with Joel McEachin, Calvin Burney, Susan Grandin, and possible 2 members of SPARs Design Review Committee attend.

Meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.  

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