Meeting @ 6pm
Participants: Bill Hoff, President Michelle Tappouni, Vice President Aaron Glick, Secretary Jack Adams Jeff Fountain JoLee Gardner Todd Hollinghead Melanie Messer Guests: Officer Carlos Cusatti, JSO Doug Vanderlaan and Tim Hope, SHADCO Dawn Emerick, Groundwork Jacksonville
AGENDA: The meeting was called to order by President Bill Hoff at 6:06pm. He welcomed all members and guests.
Guest Presentations - Officer Carlos Cusatti, JSO, Downtown bike officer Will give SPAR bi-weekly reports on progress of Summer Off Duty Officer Program Springfield Task Force – now defunct JSO program, 6 or 7 years ago o 2 man team o “0” tolerance for crime o Potential to approach JSO under new Sheriff Williams and reinvigorate program Discussion on possible SPAR recognition of Officers in Off Duty Program at end of Summer - Doug Vanderlaan and Tim Hope, SHADCO Big SHADCO meeting on 7/28 Discussion on recent crime in the neighborhood, Off Duty Officer program, and reinvigorating the Springfield Block Captain program. - Dawn Emerick, CEO Groundwork Jacksonville Meeting held weeks before with SPAR leadership to address communication of issues with Springfield and East Jax neighborhoods. Follow Facebook for regular updates on Groundwork Jax activities and news Discussion regarding the way Groundwork representatives portray Springfield in the media Focus on deliverables to the community in 15 month time frame o Green Team student leadership program o 501c3 status, Strategic Plan Phase o S –Line implementation study and action plan underway – now accepting applications for Steering Committee o Public Farmer’s Market idea – expected launch in Spring 2016 Location on A. Philip Randolph – tied to food desert, food access concerns Point of engagement for both Springfield and East Jax neighborhoods will be different, as well as issues that affect them. Groundwork Jax continues to work toward improving the communication strategy between and among the affected parties. June 2015 Minutes Minutes were unanimously approved. Financial Review Summary to be sent out at a later time by Treasurer.
Old Business: Position on new proposed JEA wells Board to draft a letter to JEA, circulate to members, then send out o Well locations in residential part of the neighborhood is inappropriate Follow up on SPAR & SIAA meeting Regular quarterly meeting between SPAR President, E.D. or Executive Committee member and SIAA leadership to better foster communication on important issues will be ongoing. PorchFest Update Beer tent proposed for Klutho Park – SPAR will hire third party to sell beer and collect money at the event Board approved by majority vote applying for an alcohol permit for PorchFest July 4th Baseball Game recap West side well fought victory Governance Committee Seeking additional Board candidates before the end of the year Ex-Officio position may be added, amended to bylaws to allow Board members who have recently rolled off to continue with committed involvement with organization Bylaws to be voted on at August meeting Development Effort underway to reinvigorate interest and engagement of the community by SPAR, quadrant by quadrant Two upcoming wine and cheese events are planned, first is September 17th Second event in January 2016. Postcards and emails will be sent promoting the event and event series Design Review Separate Design Review Committee report provided SPAR Office Building Terrawise, David Shacter moved in to downstairs suite, will paint one wall Terrawise colors Committee created to determine cost/benefit analysis of staying in the current office at 1251 North Main Street – Jolee, Todd, Aaron, Jeff, and Adam Sign Ordinance Update Waiting on OGC and Planning Department Review prior to City Council sponsorship. Neighborhood Traffic Study Waiting to hear back from City Engineer Nelson Caparas – 30 to 45 days until delivery of results. New legislation sponsored by Councilwoman Lori Boyer allows neighborhoods to petition lower speed limits with cost contribution for signage New Business. Pursuing changing the name of Confederate Park back to it’s original name, Dignan Park? Board by majority vote voted No. Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.
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