Participants: Michelle Tappouni, Bill Hoff, JoLee Gardner, Jack Adams, Joann Tredennick, Jeff Fountain, Melanie Messer, Christina Parrish
The meeting was called to order by President Bill Hoff at 6:10pm. He welcomed all of the members.
Meeting minutes - The April meeting minutes were emailed to the Board Members. There were no corrections. Melanie made a motion to approve; Jack seconds the motion. The minutes were approved.
Financials – There was no financial report as Ken was not present.
- Michelle is still trying to reconcile the SAMBA account and will follow up with Ken when he is back in town.
Sign Ordinance
- Ordinance has been sent to the office of General Council; Michelle to follow up. This is a “hybrid” sign ordinance based on the Riverside/Downtown ordinance. It will include such items as – signs, landscaping, etc. If not specifically allowed then it won’t be allowed. This will be part of the overlay and Gaffney supports this measure.
Membership organizing
- Review letter with Jeff Fountain
- Need membership form in Publisher; Michelle to open file and revise the pricing.
- JoLee to find Bill’s email with the attachment; get list Bill generated on contact information.
EPIC grant updates
- The two grants that are outstanding are the banners and the bike racks. JoLee to follow up on both grants with LISC and ONH.
- Michelle to meet with Janet Owens (LISC) to discuss the Development Zone Grants.
Zoning Overlay Extension to State Street and other items
- Christina talked to Laura Dietrich; she agreed to handle this as a good mid-term goal for CRA. This will be written into the language of CRA and should occur within the next 2 to 3 years. It will include the north side of State Street to the southern border of the historic district.
- Christina met with JEA about Groundwork; they will allow the Green Way trail to go though their property.
- Christina met with NPS on the 20th to discuss the feasibility plan and tour the parks. The next step is to approve the plan; there will be presentation of the plan and then. The group will hire a FT Exec Dir and PT Person.
Three Items to vote via email
- SPAR Signs – approved
- Mobility Plan Letter – approved
- Ability Housing Statement – approved
Ability Housing Project
- Mtg at Andrew Robinson HS; a walk was held and there have been media articles.
- Dr Gaffney and Paula Wright participated in these events
- There was concern about children walking to school passed the building
- About 100 people participated; opinion was the same and not all participants were from Springfield.
Home Tour Results
- See Handout.
New Business
Porch Concert Series –
- Michelle King and Michelle Gilliam want to help market a porch series concert. It would be live acoustic music played on front porches. It could be an annual event and possibly held in the fall. The group will come back to the Board and present their plan.
- PR/Branding – Christina agreed to talk with the group and come back to the Board with the concepts.
- Motion was made to approve both actions of the Events Committee.
SPAR Office Building
- Currently have a commercial lease with tenants; utilities are included in their lease; also receive one parking space
- Trying to get multi-year leases with tenants
- Roof – need to look at this; may have about 3 years left in the roof; a new roof will cost about $30K to replace
- HVAC Unit will eventually need to be replaced and that will cost about $5K
- Joann to send the list of repairs to the Board via email; need approval
- Motion to save money in the reserve account for the roof; Joann to recommend an amount.
Design Review Committee
- 2 new Terrawise Requests
- Yoga Studio
Quarterly Community Meeting
- June 19, 2014
- 5:30 to 7:30pm
- Paul Davis Restoration
- Presentations will include the Artery; The Yoga Collaborative; Speech and Hearing Clinic
- JoLee and Michelle to coordinate the refreshments and membership.
Political Forum
- Would like to have a neighborhood event as it gets closer to the elections
- District 7 qualifying in January 2015; Vote in March 2015
- Coordinate with the Downtown residents
- July 4, 2014 Springfield Mommies Group to start planning
- SAMBA would like to sponsor a BBQ competition
- 1st Friday is also that day; Bill to talk to the sponsors and try to cancel
- TPO Meeting – Corrine Brown attended; Path Forward 20/40 - website that allows residents to identify elements we want for Springfield.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.
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