MONDAY, March 21, 2016 6:00 pm
Present: Michelle Tappouni, President Jack Adams Todd Hollinghead, Vice President Jeff Fountain Aaron Glick, Secretary Charles Garrison Margaret Conner, Treasurer Jaimee Stewart Bill Hoff, Ex Officio Ellen Warring Not Present: Melanie Messer Damien Robinson Adam Valiani Guests: Mark Gerringer, Genesis Group Joe Loretto, Genesis Group Dee Kiley, Genesis Group Tiare Bugarin, SACARC JoLee Gardner, Building Committee Kimberly Patrie, Design Review Committee Matthew Carmody
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Michelle Tappouni at 6:08 pm.
RECOMMENDATIONS TO BOARD FROM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Executive Board to review Executive Director contract and determine renewal parameters
Block Captains – Hoff/Hollinghead o Public Safety Fund – A process shall be put in place to review hours billed to SPAR o Clean Ups – April 30th, JEA/Greenscape tree planting in NW quadrant o SHADCO – Todd Hollinghead to be primary SHADCO/SPAR liaison
SPAR Building Management – Gardner/Conner o PropVoice, Inc. (Shannon) will officially hand over rent collection and building management responsibility April 1, 2016 to SPAR. o Building Committee will have direct responsibility over 1) maintenance, 2) capital improvements, and 3) tenants. Communication – Bill Hoff o Continuing work on Home Tour organization Each Board member asked to buy/sell 10 tickets each. The Scoop monthly newsletter is being distributed o Uptown Hound, Springfield small business has closed.
Design Review Committee – Kimberly Patrie/Michelle Tappouni o Update of the Committee membership email list to occur Development ‐ Messer o Michelle Tappouni reported that quarterly member/neighbor event was successful. Next event to be scheduled.
Finance ‐ Conner Governance – Stewart o Damien Robinson has submitted a letter of resignation from the SPAR Board. Main Street Beautification – Glick o Main Street tree and ground covering – Committee continuing to coordinate with City officials and subject matter experts o Medians/Utilities – Old lighting is inefficient/antiquated. Potential partnership with JEA discussed regarding a Solar Pilot Project. o Charles Garrison volunteered to take an inventory of the number of light fixtures working in the medians. Membership ‐ Warring o Monthly basis for reaching out, pricing of direct mailer o Survey Monkey survey being developed o New resident/new member welcome package in process, update at next board meeting
SAMBA – Parrish o New kickoff meeting with reinvigorated group o New members Tour of Homes- o Venues set ‐ 6 homes confirmed plus starting location at 5th and Main o Sponsorships, Volunteers, promotions still needed o Pre‐tour postcards to be sent
Urban Core CPAC o Confederate Playground – Coordination with FDOT on closure, reach out to Jim Green o Coordination with Daryl Joseph, Director of Parks and Rec on new trash cans in Klutho Park o Coordination with Bill Joyce, City Public Works Division on street sweeping in Springfield
GNP Development Partners 3rd Street Development Presentation - GUESTS Presentation of preliminary development plan of Pearl and 3rd site, Handouts distributed to the Board, Rezoning to PUD application not filed with the City Planning Department yet Multi‐family/RPI Land Use ‐ 90% residential, 10% commercial, 78 units, on‐street and off‐street parking, 45 feet tall height limit, 1 and 2 bedroom units.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT ‐ Parrish Community Meetings and Workshops o JTA – Elimination of bus stops, new trash cans and benches, replacement of non‐ADA compliant structures. Main Street Beautification Committee will assist in coordination. o
Grants o Banners – PRI giving SPAR discount on 2 sided banners MOTION – To accept PRI’s offer to do half of the poles consistent with the approved grant – PASSED (Remaining money to be held in reserve, remainder of poles to be bannered contingent upon Board approval.) Confirm if there is a permit fee, paid by vendor o Traffic Study o Development Committee to look into other Grants for Neighborhood Organizations o City investigating creation of Historic Preservation Foundation – to take ownership of properties, facilitate transfer of properties to non‐profits
HPC Demolition Subcommittee Boys and Girls Club Ionia Street Demolition Sign Ordinance JEA Vacant House Registry/Ordinance 2015‐519 stalled in committee SPAR Landscaping 03/26/2016, 10:00 AM. SPAR building to be landscaped by participants from the Board of Directors, organized by Ellen Warring.
NEW BUSINESS June 4th – Disc Golf tournament, SPAR to co‐sponsor SACARC Woofstock – June 24th/ 25th o SPAR to co‐sponsor event o MOTION – To donate the cost of the permits and event insurance and to assist in any promotion of the event – PASSED ITEMS REFERRED TO COMMITTEES Development Committee o Draft “mini” grant program o Assist Executive Director with other grants and grant compliance Main Street/Beautification Committee o JTA bus stops COMMENTS FROM GUESTS ‐ None
NEXT SCHEDULED MEETINGS Community Meeting 03/23/2016 – Boys and Girls Club Neighborhood Roundtable – 03/30/2016 April BOD 4/18/2016 Strategic Planning TBD ADJOURN ‐ Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.
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