Board Meeting - 1/19/15

Participants: Bill Hoff, President Michelle Tappouni , 2nd Vice President Aaron Glick, Secretary Adam Valiani, Treasurer Jack Adams Melanie Messer Jeff Fountain Todd Hollinghead Ellen Warring Damien Robinson

Guests: Bill Cesery, John Valentino and Officer Valentine

AGENDA: The meeting was called to order by President Bill Hoff at 6:05pm. He welcomed all members and guests. 

Guest Presentations Bill Cesery (BC) & John Valentino (JV) re: a new liquor license at Uptown Market. Uptown Market will rebrand as Uptown Kitchen and Bar – they are 3 to 4 weeks away from opening with 4COP (full alcohol) license and new awning signage. JV plans to file ‘J-Bill’ legislation to reduce the minimum seating for an alcohol license from 150 seats to 100 seats in the Springfield neighborhood - boundaries not defined at this time – may attract more entertainment venues along Main/8th. Other approved ‘J-Bill’ locations – 5 Points, St Johns Bluff Road. BC and JV are looking for Support & Community Feedback. Need input to define Boundaries. Board discussion: Parking issues in Riverside/Avondale Overlay – may introduce similar parking issues, strictly just Main/8th or all of Overlay area.

Sargent Valentine - 13 years with JSO, 18 years combined experience – represents at SHADCO meetings

Financial Review  Budget review preference - Actuals vs Budget quarterly? Year over Year? Month over Month?  Budget Overview: Operating – 33k, Building – 7k, monthly Roof set aside - $500, SAMBA less than 5k, Security – 5k, Giraffe in Klutho Park – SPAR will use 1k from PorchFest fund  Will look into setting up ‘PorchFest’ restricted account

Meeting Minutes  December 2014 Board Meeting Minutes Approval – Unanimously Approved

Old Business

6:35 Bike Racks – Michelle All units completed, need to finalize locations and complete property owner discussions by mid. February

6:40 Banners Along Commercial Corridors - Michelle Comments sent to creators, expecting another draft soon, in production by end of January Design - movement toward blue and green, similar to PorchFest style and design

6:45 Donation of 1138 Walnut Street - Bill Wells Fargo has Jan 30th as closing date, researching LLC, home donation plus 20k, Committee members will need to create an improvement action plan, contact local contractors and realtors

6:55 Hiring Paid Staff – Todd Draft job description completed, input needed

7:05 Changes to Signage Rules in the Springfield Overlay – Michelle Meeting scheduled between Aaron, Michelle, and OGC – Councilman Gaffney to sponsor?

7:10 Drew Mansion Task Force – Bill and Michelle Property is now under private contract – task force is dissolved New Business

7:10 2015 Calendar – Bill Distributed via email – serves as a general guideline for the year’s signature events Moving SPR home tour to June to not compete with RAP Home Tour

7:15 1 st Quarter Community Meeting – Bill Topic - Suggestions? Momentum on commercial corridors, collect stakeholder input – big picture strategy Location and Time: Paul Davis Restoration - 6:00 pm Feb. 26th

7:25 2015 Goals/ Strategic Planning Meeting - Bill Revisit the Strategic Plan – Sat morn 2 hours, Klutho Park trash cans replacement Jack – will email plan, focus should be on action items, not wording of plan Tentative Meeting - Feb 7th

7:30 Home Tour Planning to Begin - Bill SPAR made 20k in 2014 – For 2015 need venues, volunteers, sponsors – all members of the board should reach out for all items

7:35 Results of SPAR Office Technology Audit - Damien Donated equipment, Windows XP – not supported, external hard drive salvage, Quickbooks 2007 Ken returned, new Quickbooks, 4 computers, server, purchase a new computer, external hard drive? Data migration to being Sunday, January 25, 2015 Motion to permit Damien to spend up to $100 on an external hard drive - unanimously approved.

7:45 Springfield Newspaper/SPAR Publicist Proposal - Bill Mike Bonts, mbPR group – Proposes a Springfield centric newspaper similar to The Resident, advertising will provide revenue, distribute to local businesses – looking to use space in SPAR office for free in exchange for a dedicated page or two for SPAR organization news, developer’s publicity, The Board requires more information – detailed proposal, end goals, review existing portfolio - tell us how we can improve, request to come to Board, References? Control of content?

7:55 City Council “Blight Bill” 2014-724 – Bill and Michelle SPAR position on this? Status of the bill? Doug Vanderlaan – CPAC representative There are protections for Historic properties, substitute bill available for review

8:00 122 E. Duval Street aka “Elena Flats” – Michelle Jan 28th 3:00 pm Ed Building, 8th floor Similar to Cowford Chophouse and Claude Nolan Building, HPC recommending landmarking of structure Motion to send letter – unanimously approved

Closing Remarks and Discussion Event – January 24th Plant Springfield Brad Lauretti – House concerts in SPR idea – start in March? Jacksonville Songwriter Residency - Cultural Council grant to house singer-song writer Lend gazebo in Klutho Park - lead up to PorchFest?

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