Board Meeting - 11/16/15

Meeting: SPAR Board of Directors Meeting
Date: November 16, 2015
Location/Time: SPAR Office/ 6:00 pm
Participants: Michelle Tappouni, President elect
Jack Adams, Bill Hoff, ex-officio President
Jeff Fountain, Todd Hollinghead, Vice President elect
JoLee Gardner, Margaret Conner, Treasurer elect
Jaimee Smith, Aaron Glick, Secretary elect
Adam Valiani, Christina Parish, Executive Director
Ellen Warring

Guests: Jeffrey Wardlow, Traditions Realty
Kimberly Pattrie, SPAR member, Design Review Committee Chair

The meeting was called to order by President Bill Hoff at 6:05 pm. He welcomed all members and guests.

September 2015 Minutes & October 2015 Minutes
Amended and Accepted by the Board

Executive Director’s Report (attached)
Additional volunteer support is encouraged from the Board for PorchFest.

Board Election of Officers
Candidates for President, Michelle Tappouni and Todd Hollinghead both gave a short speech regarding their candidacy before a vote was held by the Board.
 Michelle Tappouni was elected President of SPAR
 Todd Hollinghead accepted the role of Vice President
 Adam Valiani resigned as Treasurer, Margaret Conner was elected unopposed as Treasurer
 Aaron Glick was elected unopposed as Secretary
 Charles Garrison was elected to the Board at the Annual Meeting
 Michelle Tappouni was re-elected to the Board at the Annual Meeting
 JoLee Gardner has completed her 3 year term on the Board and has elected not to stand for a second term
 Bill Hoff has competed his 2nd full term and will move to Ex-officio

Ex-officio President Bill Hoff will work with newly elected President and Vice President to complete transitional tasks.

Urban Core CPAC Report (CPAC report attached)
 Michelle Tappouni will serve as Vice Chair.
 Alison Goode will serve as the Chair.

Old Business and Committee Reports

Financial Committee
• Net income from PorchFest will be shown and shared at next meeting.

Development/ Membership Committee
• January wine and cheese event – Michelle Tappouni hosting
• 32 new members joined at the SPAR annual meeting
• Membership Committee to meet to compile information, determine plan to move forward with collating membership data
• Website updates were identified as a priority – Bylaws, access to SPAR documents. Michelle to facilitate small administrative meetings to accomplish related tasks

Governance Committee
Jaimee Smith assumes the role as new Governance Committee Chair
 Bylaws will be reviewed concerning appointments of new Board members to address comments from community members at the Annual meeting.

Design Review Committee
• Kimberly Patrie, DRC Chair was present - expressed desire to formalize the Committee within the structure of SPAR as an organization
• Suggestions were made to review the Bylaws and add language regarding the size, structure, term limits and governance of the Committee. Training of Committee members was also suggested.

Building Committee (Real Estate Committee Report attached)
Send JoLee any comments by end of November and be prepared to vote and discuss any recommendations at the next Board Meeting, or through email.

Block Captains Committee
Public Safety Fund: Officer Cusanti is working on scheduling shifts for Holiday off-duty police officer hours as previously approved by the Board, total cost to SPAR approximately $3,500. Several shifts to coincide with Holiday Home Tour.

Updates on Projects/Task Forces
Main Street Beautification Proposal
RFP distributed to 3 vendors, one response by LandVilla, will submit bid to SPAR Thursday, November 19th.

New JEA Wells in Springfield
JEA has worked with the neighborhood and SPAR with much success.
Location identified across from Kennedy Center at 1st Street, JEA will make improvements to the parking area

Traffic Study Follow Up
Meeting with Councilman Gaffney to occur in the near future to sponsor Ordinance to reduce speed.

Overlay Changes (signs, etc.)
Meeting with Councilman Gaffney to occur in the near future, seek possible sponsorship from At-Large council person.

Commercial Corridor Banners
Various designs reviewed by Christina and Michelle. Christina met with Pete Helo, design/pricing to be finalized.

Springfield Shirts
Crux Collective will continue to work with SPAR on shirt designs

Blight/Nice Committee Report
Michelle Tappouni presented information on several bills.
 Ordinance 2015-693 was passed by City Council – Amends Chapter 518. Review bill for any potential impacts to the neighborhood and to provide information to the community as applicable.
 Ordinance 2015-519 is being duscussed in committee at City Council – Increases the value of a property that may be donated by the city from $25,000 to $50,000.

Meeting adjourned at 7:43 pm.

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