Board Meeting - 10/20/14


Michelle Tappouni, Bill Hoff, JoLee Gardner, Aaron Glick, Jack Adams, Melanie Messer, Christina Parrish, Jeff Fountain, Ken Paulk, JoAnn Tredennick

Guests: Crissie Cudd and Jodi Nickless


The meeting was called to order by President Bill Hoff at 6:05pm.  He welcomed all members and two guests.

Meeting Minutes

  • September meeting minutes were previously sent out by email.  JoLee Gardner made a motion to approve. Michelle Tappouni second the motion. The minutes were approved.


Drew Mansion – Guest – Crissie Cudd and Jodi Nickless

  • Property on the market for $75K
  • Newspaper article ran 2 weeks ago; generated lots of interest but nothing serious
  • At a minimum, $500K will be needed to start the restoration
  • Jodi Nickless is trying to secure funding to purchase the property
  • Working on a brochure
  • Plans to or already has contacted the daughters of the original owner; no response at this time
  • Nickless thinks SPAR should be involved with the efforts and/or own the building

Christina Parrish made a motion to establish a committee to investigate the options for the building.  Ken Paulk 2nd the motion. JoLee Gardner – opposed, the rest of the members approved the motion.


The committee will be Jack, Christina, Michelle and Ken.


Financial Review

  • Per balance sheet (10-20-2014) – Total assets and liabilities reviewed. Further details are in the reports provided by Ken.  


Annual Membership Meeting

The meeting will be held on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 6 pm in the Wells Fargo Community Room.  

  • Board Candidates – Adam Valiani; Damien Robinson; Todd Hollinghead; and Ellen Warring.
  • Guest Speakers – Jesse B Dupont Foundation speaker and City traffic engineer
  • Year in review – Bill and Christina to present a PowerPoint presentation.
  • Substantial discussion focused on whether SPAR could introduce candidates running for public office.  According to the By-laws this is not appropriate.  Christina mad a motion to allow introductions at the annual meeting.  Aaron second. 5 opposed, 4 approved, 1 abstain.  Motion did not pass.


Roles – Board of Directors 

  • All Board members will attend the November meeting.  Executive Board Members (Pres/VP/Treas/Sec) will be elected at the December Board meeting.
  • JoAnn to resign from the Board. Effective November 30, 2014.  Taking position on the Groundwork Board.
  • Kim Patrie has agreed to chair the Design Review Committee.  Susan Noonan will also be a member of the committee.
  • JoAnn will continue to participate in the Design Review Committee but will transition all other responsibilities to other board members.
  • Discussion on forming an advisory committee made up of former Board Members. This will be added to next month’s agenda to discuss with the new board members
  • If people have knowledge of how this works with other organizations email information to Bill.  
  • Send Jack an email if you want to move out of a role or serve in a specific role.  Do this before the next BOD meeting.


Porch Fest Update

  • Event date is November 8, 2014
  • 20 bands booked; will play from 1 to 5pm
  • Food Trucks will be on site
  • All permitting requirements have been met
  • Insurance has been approved by the City
  • Closing the following streets – E 3rd between Hubbard and Market; E 3rd between Main and Hubbard; close a block on Hubbard and one on Market.  Letters have been sent to the neighbors about the event.
  • Patron’s party will be November 6th at David and Laura Byers house.


Rose Arbor Contribution

  • See handout for schedule and tasks
  • JoLee made a motion to provide $250 for the Rose Arbor Renovation; Christina second the motion; Motion Approved.


Wells Fargo Property Donation

  • A site visit was made by Jeff, Christina, and Aaron.
  • Wells Fargo wants to transfer property to SPAR and provide $20K for mothballing
  • 1138 Walnut Street
  • Structural issues with front porch
  • Need a realtor to tell us what this would sell for after it is tented for termites and some repairs
  • Roof needs to be looked at
  • Jeff et al will investigate our options and report back to the board
  • Group to request an time extension from Wells Fargo (30 to 60 days)


COJ Traffic Calming Meeting

  • JoAnn and Christina met with Jim Robinson and Nelson Caparas to discuss traffic issues within Springfield
  • City will schedule a meeting for 1st qtr 2015 to get feedback from the neighbors and define some options.
  • There is a program at the City called “Sensitive Streets” – includes streetscapes as well as traffic issues
  • A pilot program will be implemented in Riverside to reduce the speed limit in the historic neighborhood.  Springfield might be included in the next phase of the study.


EPIC Grants – Next Steps

  • Bike Racks – JoLee provide an update on the bike racks.  Contract executed; deposit paid to the artists and locations have been reviewed.  Bryce and Adam will try to bring an example of the rack to the community meeting on the 23rd.
  • Banners – Michelle will work with JoLee on the Banners. A draft design is being worked on and will be sent to the printer soon for some mocks ups. A new schedule will be created and the paperwork will be completed with ONH/LISC within the next 30 days.


Sign Ordinance Update

  •  Michelle – Still in OGC; will be sent to committee by the end of the year.  Once OGC approves, the ordinance will go to the City Council.

Holiday Meeting Dates

  •  No meeting dates changed – BOD meetings will be November 17, 2014 and December 15, 2014.


  •  1551 Boulevard – clay tile roof demolished; homeowner now has 45 days to correct the situation. If the roof is not replaced by that time then a hearing will be held. JoAnn encouraged everyone to attend the hearing.  She will keep us posted on the result of this process. Add this issue to the November BOD agenda for further discussion.
  • 8th and Perry lot is not to be used as a parking lot.  The Bridge applied for an exception 14 years ago, it was approved but has since expired.  


Meeting adjourned at 8:22pm. 

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