JEA Update: North Main Street Project

North Main Street was opened on September 2nd, 2021. 

  • The 30-inch & 36-36-inch water main installations completed on N. Main Street and progressed into E. 1st Street. This work on E. 1st Street will be paused for 3-4 weeks to complete the gravity sewer installation. Thereafter, the 30-inch & 36-inch water main installations will resume and progress east towards Ionia St. & Palmetto St. This work will be ongoing in this E. 1st Street area for 12-14 months. 
  • Gravity sewer replacement/installation has begun on 1st Street east of N. Main Street and will progress east towards Market Street over next approx. 3-4 weeks.
  • 16-inch water main installation has resumed on 1st Street between Market St. and Liberty St, and will progress east towards Ionia Street over next approx. 4 months.
  • 36-inch water main installation that began on Beaver Street at Fair Grounds has progressed to APR & Albert Intersection.  It will continue to progress west down Albert St. towards Palmetto Street, where it will be joined with the segment of 36-inch water main that was just installed on Palmetto St. between Albert St. and Union St. The 36-inch water main installation on Albert St. and Palmetto St. will be ongoing for next approx. 5 months.
  • Overall project completion date is anticipated to be May of 2023.

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