Monday, July 20, 2020
6:00pm Virtual Google Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President, Tim Hope, at 6:03 pm.
Present: Board Attendance
Tim Hope (President), Joey Marchy (Vice President), Christine Lane, Kelly Lezama (Secretary), Bryant Shumaker, John Shermetaro (Treasurer), Todd Hollinghead, Ryan McFarland, Aaron Leedy, Mallik Singareddy, Jennifer Chapman, Sonar Acar, Janie Coffey, Pamela Batts-Brown, Michael Montoya
Absent: N/A
Guests: Diane Graese, Bill Hoff, Katie Derringer, Daniel Ashworth, Ann-Marie Knight, Nicole Hollinghead
Staff: Kelly Rich
- Motion to accept the Consent Agenda & June Board meeting minutes as presented: Tabled to August
- Motion to have Kelly Rich write a letter of support with the detailed exceptions for 1555 N. Pearl St business as recommended by CRIC: 9-Aye, 3 - Opposed, 1- Abstain ; Motion APPROVED
- Motion to support the exceptions for 1739 Market St. as detailed by CRIC : 13-Aye; Motion APPROVED
- Motion to approve Alden White for building renovations as recommended by Asset Management committee: 13-Aye; Motion APPROVED
- Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 pm.
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