Monday, February 27, 2023
6:00pm @ VCCS - SPAR Office & Google Meet
The meeting was called to order by President, Kelly Lezama, at 6:03 pm.
Present: Board Attendance
Kelly Lezama (President), AJ Rodriguez (Vice President), Mallik Singareddy (Treasurer), Ryan McFarland (Secretary), Jason Hardwick, Pam Batts-Brown, Ben Alcorn, Tyler Grant, Alison Blitch, Daniel Ashworth Jr., John Shermetaro (V), Bryant Shumaker (V)
Absent: Katie Derringer, Annie Howe, Tim Hope
Guests: Todd Hollinghead, Margie Viss
Staff: Mandie Marron, Meghan Waters
MOTIONS (Motion Log):
1. Board of Director appointments / Installation - Margie Viss (1st term) & Pam Batts Brown (2nd term) APPROVED
2. CCB - Facade Grant Criteria review: Verbiage Recommendations (Amended by McFarland)
- Your project must meet all Historic Preservation Commission guidelines and must NOT damage any existing historic facade or make structural change
- You must submit a narrative description of the proposed change
- Please attach a copy of your approved Certificate of Appropriateness “COA” for your proposed work if required
3. Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:51 pm.
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