Board Meeting - 1/24/2022


Monday, January 24, 2022

6:00pm @ VCCS - SPAR Office & Google Meet



The meeting was called to order by President, Tim Hope, at 6:05 pm.


Present:  Board Attendance

Tim Hope (President), Joey Marchy (Vice President), Kelly Lezama (Secretary), John Shermetaro (Treasurer), Bryant Shumaker, Mallik Singareddy, Ryan McFarland, Ben Alcorn, Annie Howe, Aaron Leedy, Todd Hollinghead, Ben Alcorn, Christine Lane, AJ Rodriguez, Jason Hardwick

Absent:  Pam Batts-Brown, Jennifer Chapman, 

Guests: N/A

Staff: Kelly Rich, Mandie Marron



  1. Motion to accept the Consent Agenda & November Board meeting minutes as presented: APPROVED
  2. Motion to suspend the Bylaws to allow newly elected board members to vote on Executive Committee elections prior to being seated: APPROVED
  3. Motion to approve the slate of Executive Officers as presented: APPROVED
  4. Motion to approve up to $5,000 toward funding a Technical Assessment Panel with ULI.  Motion to amend the the funding threshold to up to $10,000 to fund the TAP with ULI: APPROVED
  5. Motion to approve up to $5000 for additional event insurance (under the Porchfest umbrella) for Music on Mains & St. Patrick’s day events: APPROVED
  6. Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:58pm.

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