Monday, December 21, 2020
6:00pm via Google Meet
The meeting was called to order by President, Tim Hope, at 6:10 pm.
Present: Board Attendance
Tim Hope (President), Joey Marchy (Vice President), Christine Lane, Kelly Lezama (Secretary), Bryant Shumaker, Todd Hollinghead, Aaron Leedy, Mallik Singareddy, Pamela Batts-Brown, John Shermetaro (Treasurer), Jennifer Chapman, Ben Alcorn, Janie Coffey, Soner Acar
Absent: Michael Montoya
Guests: None
Staff: Kelly Rich
- Motion to accept the Consent Agenda & November Board meeting minutes as presented: APPROVED
- Motion to approve working with Conventus on a trial basis for up to 6 months and using up to $6,000 in funds: 10 - AYE; 4 - OPPOSED (Ryan, Soner, Aaron, Bryant) : APPROVED
- Motion to change wording in Financial Policies & Procedures to: The organization’s Executive Director will assist in preparation of an operating budget to the Finance Committee for approval by the Board of Directors no later than 30 days prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year.” - APPROVED
- Move to reinstate the current 2020 Executive Committee (Tim Hope - President, Joey Marchy - VP, John Shermetaro - Treasure, Kelly Lezama - Secretary) for another year term in 2021. - APPROVED
- Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 pm.
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