Board Meeting - 12/16/2019


Monday, December 16, 2019

6:00pm Brick and Beam


The meeting was called to order by President, Tim Hope, at 6:07 pm.

Board Attendance

Present: Tim Hope (President), Janie Coffey, Mallik Singareddy, Jennifer Chapman (phone in), Christine Lane, Kelly Lezama (Secretary), Bryant Shumaker, John Shermetaro (Treasurer), Joey Marchy (Vice President), Soner Acar, Michael Montoya, Pam Batts-Brown (phone in)

Absent: Todd Hollinghead (Excused), Ryan McFarland, Aaron Leedy

Guests: John Grace & girlfriend Stephanie - 8th St. & Walnut Ct. - presentation on Walnut Court Alley Closure - seeking support from SPAR to close alley

Curtis Dvorak - Liberty & 6th - Discussed Social Media and importance in Non Profit - provided suggestions on how to boost attention to event posts; plans to present similarly to SAMBA

Jay Armento - Hubbard & 5th - supporting comments on Walnut Court Alley Closure; Also wanted to see how SPAR is run.

Staff: Kelly Rich


  1. Motion to accept the Consent Agenda including the November Board meeting minutes as presented: APPROVED
  2. Motion to accept the Treasurer report as presented: APPROVED
  3. Motion to draw down on the restricted Community Corridor fund until depleted on JEA utilities bills on Main Street: APPROVED
  4. Motion to fund Porchfest Arts account each year during annually budget based on the Porchfest profits: APPROVED
  5. Motion to have board disperse Porchfest Arts account throughout the year based on permanent art projects after a thorough do diligence of the board:  APPROVED
  6. Motion to reinstate Financial Policies and Procedures for the Finance Committee: APPROVED
  7. Motion to amend Policy & Procedures to state that if we suspend P&P it will be for a designated time period:  APPROVED
  8. Motion to not write a letter of support at this time for the development of property 232 and 236 E 5th St: APPROVED, 1 ABSTAINED  (changed vote via email)
  9. Motion to table discussion on Walnut Court Alley Closure Request: APPROVED - Additional research will be completed by Michael Montoya 
  10. Motion to not write a letter of support for the driveway in CROW at 3rd and Market: APPROVED
  11. Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:09pm: APPROVED

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