Board Meeting 11/21/22


Monday, November 21, 2022

6:00pm @ VCCS - SPAR Office & Google Meet



The meeting was called to order by President, Tim Hope, at 6:09 pm.


Present:  Board Attendance

Tim Hope (President), Joey Marchy - V (Vice President),  John Shermetaro (Treasurer), Kelly Lezama (Secretary), Annie Howe, AJ Rodriguez - V, Ryan McFarland - V, Ben Alcorn, Todd Hollinghead, Mallik Singareddy - V, Christine Lane - V, Bryant Schumaker, Jason Hardwick

Absent: Pam Batts-Brown, Jennifer Chapman

Guests: Katie Derringer, Daniel Ashworth Jr., Tyler Grant, Alison Blitch, Bill Hoff - V

Staff: Kelly Rich



  1. Motion to accept the Consent Agenda & October Board meeting minutes as presented: APPROVED
  2. Motion to validate email votes for Redistricting letter, ED Resignation, and Corner Lot revised letter: APPROVED
  3. Motion to approve an additional $2,000 for plumbing repairs ($12k from $10k): APPROVED
  4. Motion to accept the Executive Director Job Description as presented in the November board packet: APPROVED
  5. Motion to approved the 2023 Budget as presented: APPROVED
  6. Motion to take a stance to oppose the proposed duplex on zero E 4th St alley because it is in opposition to the overlay. Motion to table this motion with the action item to follow up in December: APPROVED
  7. Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:47 pm.


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