Monday, November 16, 2020
6:00pm @ Brick and Beam w/virtual option
The meeting was called to order by President, Tim Hope, at 6:16 pm.
Present: Board Attendance
Tim Hope (President), Joey Marchy (Vice President), Christine Lane (virtual), Kelly Lezama (Secretary), Bryant Shumaker, Todd Hollinghead, Aaron Leedy, Mallik Singareddy, Janie Coffey, Pamela Batts-Brown, Michael Montoya, Sonar Acar, John Shermetaro (Treasurer)
Absent: Jennifer Chapman (Excused), Michael Montoya
Guests: Bill Hoff, Ben Alcorn
Staff: Kelly Rich
- Motion to accept the Consent Agenda & October Board meeting minutes as presented: APPROVED
- Motion to approve the 2021 proposed budget as presented: APPROVED
- Motion to select the alley beautification as first choice and Holiday society as second choice for the COJ matching grant proposal. Amended motion to make the Holiday society decorations as first choice: APPROVED, 1 Nay Secondary Amended motion to make the holiday society decorations as first choice and sidewalk bulb out as second choice: APPROVED
- Motion to approve the proposed slate of directors for election/reelection as presented: APPROVED
- Motion to approve the Bylaw wording change in Article 8, Section 2 as presented below: APPROVED
- Motion to write a letter of support for the Boys & Girls club: APPROVED
- Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 pm.
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